Initiateur du projet :
Description projet :
The project relates to planning the interdependent tasks of an operational team of 6 staff. Creating an interactive sheet where all team members will capture whether and when they have completed a given standard tasks, and that will visualize on daily basis advancement and show delays etc. Project management (sort of gantt-type): each client/contract has a 6 months cycle with standardized tasks - tasks relate to each other : sequence + min/max delays between tasks. Excel expertise required in: conditional formatting with multiple conditions (date in other cells, date of the current day, value of cells of earlier days) ; automatic cells/zone locking/protection in function of dates and/or value of other cells ; complex formulas combining multiple conditions (using IF, LOOKUP ...) depending on current day date, dates , value of other cells, etc. We will share sketch/overview later

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recherche prestataire developpement client serveurrecherche codeur windows xp

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